Living the Spirit Life - June 2022 Newsletter

School’s out! My kids just finished up their last in their respective classes, and I’m sure they are excited to be out for a couple months. I know especially that the teachers are ready for a break. My favorite memories of summertime were being able to ride my bike through my neighborhood and playing games with my friends - whether it was baseball, basketball, street hockey, or whatever - we’d take advantage of all of the daylight that we could.

There’s something about this time about this time of year that everything feels a little looser, like our spirit gets reinvigorated. Not sure if it’s the sunshine, the warm weather, or more things to do, but I’ll take it, especially since the COVID restrictions have been lifted most places. We feel like we can travel if we want, even if it’s to a state park or lake for some camping. 

This aliveness reminds me of Pentecost, which we will be celebrating on June 5th - the day when the Holy Spirit came down to live in the hearts of believers. It’s described in the second chapter of Acts as “being filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak….as the Spirit enabled them” (Acts 2:4).

As we go out, maybe on adventures away from home or not, let us not forget our faith habits as we try somewhere new. Bibles are easily transportable, and there’s nowhere you can run that God won’t be there ahead of you. The Holy Spirit has found you, and God doesn’t want to let you go. But what does it mean to live the Spirit life? 

Knowing where the Spirit is leading you is first and foremost important. Praying daily, and having quiet reflection time is key. Maybe even keeping a prayer journal, or talking about what you’re praying about to a trusted friend. We like to think that our faith life is personal, and to some extent it is, but sharing that faith and living in community is another place that we can find the Holy Spirit. 

If you’re planning on traveling this summer, know that Bethany church will be here when you get back. Go and explore, safely of course, but take note of where you see God working, even in the destination where you are. Attend a church in your destination, if you’re there on Sunday. Maybe it would be refreshing to see how other people worship our loving God. 

If you’re not traveling, we have lots of exciting events coming up in the next month. Church camps are going on this month. Annual Conference happens June 9th - 11th.  We will have a guest speaker from Inasmuch Ministries coming on June 19th, and a hymn sing the following week the 26th. 

Wherever the Spirit leads you, whether here or away, God is always with you. That Holy Spirit is there to support you, guide you, and give you the strength and the words to do God’s will wherever you are. May this time in the Spirit refresh your commitment and your soul, so that our community can remain strong, building and growing for the benefit of the Kingdom. 

~Pastor Dan


Listen: Smalltown Poets “NWxSE” - This is one of my favorite bands, and I didn’t know they made a new album last year. But here we are, and it’s excellent. Favorite song: “Love is the Ocean” 

Watch: “A Week Away” (Netflix) I watched this, and I became a bit nostalgic for 90s Christian music and summer camp. This is a perfectly lighthearted story, and I’ll probably watch it again soon.

Read: Glory Happening by Kaitlin B. Curtice - (In our Library) This is a collection of meditations and devotions centered in ordinary experiences. I loved the poetry in it as well. 


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