
Showing posts from January, 2023

Do Justice, Love Kindness, and Walk Humbly - Micah 6:1-8 (Epiphany 3A)

  Let’s be honest, I know the title of my sermon gives it away, but I’m going to try really hard not to skip ahead to verse 8 and to focus on the whole text. So let’s start at the beginning - this is one of my favorite verses, so let’s get into it.   Chapter 6 begins with God talking (through Micah) whether it’s a courtroom scene or not (scholars are divided about this). Ultimately - the fundamental relationship between God and people has been broken and God is trying to figure out what to do… how can God and the creation come back together in harmony?  God is challenging Israel in their present trouble. This isn’t a challenge where judgment is the end of the line, although it feels like it, doesn’t it? From Israel’s position, it feels to them like God has been silent all this time. But God responds with having them recall the exodus from Egypt, when the Lord redeemed them as they were slaves. The Lord provided for them with Moses and his family, and then also the miraculous crossin

Be Called - Isaiah 45:1-7 (Epiphany 2A)

I came across a fact that made me feel old the other day. I know - what do I really know about that, right? It has been 15 years ago now since Iron Man came out. You know - the one with Robert Downey, Jr. being taken into a cave and somehow came out alive but with a bionic heart and a palpable need to avenge the wrong that had been done to him.   Now - look how much has changed, even just in how movies are made. How many of them are superheroes willing to do whatever it takes against evil, and well - usually maligned billionaires with trust funds and government contracts. But there is a sense of public good, a collective interest that is being imposed upon in these movies.  Iron Man is one of my favorite movies from the whole Marvel universe, as they call it. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't aged well, but what it has is a hero who gets a call, gets named, and then tries to bring about restoration.  I'm sure you all can probably guess by now, but as a kid growing up, Bat

The Water's Fine - Matthew 3:13-17 (Baptism of the Lord, Year A)

Have you ever met a polar bear? I don’t mean one of those giant furry things that you can see at the zoo in Columbus or other places. I mean - a person who willingly flings themselves into a body of water on the 1st day of January, regardless of the temperature? I have to admit, I’ve thought about doing it - to engage all my senses; momentarily feel a little more alive. Let’s be honest, frostbite doesn’t look good on anyone!   But when those crazies are in the water, what might they tell their onlookers? “Come on in, join me - the water’s fine!” Just because they’re freezing doesn’t mean they’re not having a good time. It’s all a matter of perspective. And maybe that’s how it looks on the outside to non-churchgoers. Ask someone to join you for church, and if you don’t know that person particularly well they may raise an eyebrow at you and wonder if they should call someone to take you home. It’s not the standard that it used to be - I’m gonna say something you might disagree with - b