We Are Witnesses - April Monthly Newsletter


April is here, and I am ready for it! I don’t care how many showers there will be, I’m just ready for those May flowers. We are witnesses to the changing of the seasons, and how faithful God is in bringing those to us. It may not happen on our schedule, or even when the calendar tells us it’s going to happen, but regardless, our world will SPRING FORTH and bear all the life that it is given for the lively warm months ahead. 

Our sermon series this month beginning after Easter will be called “We Are Witnesses”, and it’s a reminder that we witness all the glory that God provides us in our lives, whether we actually see it or not. Our scripture will come from the book of Acts, starting in chapter five. We skip through the book, according to the lectionary, and end on the last Sunday of May in chapter sixteen. The Book of Acts is an extension of the Gospel of Luke, who we have been studying this Lenten season, and is an important book for the fact that it details where the church began, and how it expanded in those generations after the death and resurrection of Christ. 

It really is a book about witnessing, and to share the gospel with those around you for them to hear and to see what being a Christian is all about, first by making sure those around Jerusalem had heard the Good News, and then expanding it beyond those borders to the ends of the earth. 

We are called as witnesses because at some point in each of our lives, we saw the relevance of Jesus’ death and resurrection to our own struggle. We saw that not only could there be life after death, but it can be good. Even through giving up our comforts and our ego, there can be hope, joy, and abundance in the life given to us through the Holy Spirit. We are called as witnesses to join in community to support those, no matter where they are on the spiritual journey - even if they are taking a break from it and resting - may we sit beside them, just as Christ would, and listen, with no judgments or jumping to conclusions, or even fixing anything. Sometimes all people need in a savior is someone to listen. People want to be heard. As we reach out in faith, hope, and love, let there be justice and mercy in our hearts and our actions. May we witness the transformation of the world through our own actions, let it begin with us. 

Peace & blessings, 

Pastor Dan

Pastor’s Picks for April

WATCH: “The Adam Project” (Netflix - PG-13) - I’ll be honest, I haven’t seen this yet, but I am excited about it because I am a sucker for time travel, especially when characters interact with their previous / future self. This is on my list to watch soon. 

READ: Simon Sinek - Start with Why

When working in a people-driven environment, we all need to figure the reason why we exist. Outsiders will question, and the author gives great examples of making sure WHY is your foundation.

LISTEN: Bethel Music - Homecoming

This live album is a great worship album and I could listen to on repeat in my office while I prepare for Sunday. This is probably what I’ve listened to most this month. 

Favorite song: “Too Good Not to Believe”


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