The Lord Needs It - Luke 19:29-40 (Palm Sunday C)

 I know we just went through a bunch of scripture for you this morning. I know it could have been saved for later this week, as the events were unfolding, but I know that sometimes we just need to hear the whole story. It's important, because this is central to our faith. We need to know what happens before next Sunday and the resurrection. 

Today, we started with Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. We hear this story every year, and I'm hoping I can put some fresh eyes into it. 

This year, we listened to the Gospel of Luke - and there are some important differences in this one than the others. First, he doesn't actually talk about palm branches, not on the road, not in people's hands waving... a little strange for what we are used to. There are no Hosannas shouted from the crowd.

The King, much like the one who was celebrated a few months ago at Christmas, is still that same Emmanuel - "God with us" - and a symbol of peace on Earth. 

God needs us - the disciples - whether for getting a colt for the triumphant entrance to Jerusalem, or even for being with Jesus in his final days. It's the relationship that we are building along the way that is what God is looking for. Palm Sunday - if you want to call it that - doesn’t happen with Jesus alone. It happens because the disciples are faithful. They carry out Jesus’ orders, but they also help him - literally - carry out the plan. They get the horse. They put him on it. They cheer him when he enters. They praise him “for all the great things they have seen.” They might not completely get it, but they know they have seen something special. They cheer for this King - not because he is going to come and conquer - but because he will usher in peace. Some wish they would just be quiet, but in the end, they cannot be silenced.

Gathering Up in Jesus, as I've been preaching on all month, is more than just sitting and listening when Jesus has been telling parables, or coming close while they travel around. It also means being there during the difficult times, even at the foot of the cross. We gather together so that we know what the Lord needs from us. To those who may be unfamiliar - I understand that can sound a little strange - what God needs from us. What would the God of the universe possibly need from what has been created? God asks for faithfulness, patience, love, and many other virtues. In return, we can start seeing the Creator's mercy, grace, and justice. This is not an even trade sort of deal, but being open to these attributes helps us see when our heart is able. 

This may cause some discomfort, while sorting out what that means - to be faithful, to be more patient, to love when we don't want to. To ask questions that we may have been avoiding because we didn't want to hear the answers. 

Those answers can help strengthen our faith that we can be more faithful, so when we are asked by Jesus to do something, we can reply simply, "The Lord needs it," and that would be enough. 

I wanted to keep my comments brief this morning, but there is a lot more to be said. Please join us on Thursday and Friday for the continuation of this story. 


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