Lasting Impact - August 2022 Newsletter

What will be the lasting impact of Bethany UMC? That is an interesting question. Thinking about legacy seems like a very odd thing to do at the beginning of my second year as pastor of this church.

But here we are. The summer is winding down. Before long, my kids will be back in school, and the neighborhood will be a little quieter behind my office because school is in session at Shambaugh. 

Sometimes it is good to reflect - to wonder, though. I was listening to a podcast recently which said, “Start with the end in mind,” referring to Stephen Covey’s second principle in his book “Seven Habits of Highly Successful People.” In the book, Dr. Covey offers a thought experiment - writing your obituary. Now, some people may find this to be too dark and macabre to consider doing. I know, especially in my 20s and 30s, I would think, “that’s a long time away! I need to make some living first before I figure out what the end is going to look like!” But after living through a pandemic and half a lifetime at war, death is not something I am uncomfortable with. 

That’s why we need to ask tough questions so that Bethany will be here for generations to come. This is the series I am planning to do for August. I will be preaching a series on “Lasting Impact” based on the book by Carey Nieuwhof. Carey is a pastor and author; he speaks and writes about leadership and change. 

It seems to be an uncomfortable truth in this modern age that the church is losing ground, hemorrhaging members and visitors. Pre-COVID, many churches’ focus was on how to get more people to Sunday service. Currently, on average, churches still operate at about half of their attendance before 2019. Bethany is way above that average; I think we are close to 85-90% of the total attendance rate from 2019. 

In a world where young adults drop out, volunteers are difficult to find, and leaders are sometimes overwhelmed, how can we, as church leaders, move in a different direction? We have to be asking the right questions. This is where Carey’s book will come in. He asked seven questions, which we will cover two per week. It will also be explored deeper in the adult Sunday school class, starting on the third Sunday of August. We will take one question per week and see how we can apply it, if possible, to our people. 

Now is the time that the old way of “build it and they will come” is over, and we need to be dedicated and open to new ideas and how we can continue reaching the next generations. Join me for our journey this month, considering growth and legacy and how we can bring the best of our church out into the community

Pastor Dan


Pastors picks: 

Read: Love Anyway by Jeremy Courtney. Quick read with short chapters but absolutely necessary story on how who is our neighbors and how to prepare ourselves to love those who live differently. 

Watch: the West Wing - I have been going back and watching this show again, probably for the third time because it is so good. The writing and acting are so well done I sometimes forget it’s fictional. 

Listen: “Pieces of a Real Heart” by Sanctus Real

The introspective lyrics and hopeful music of this band from Toledo flows well beginning to end - give it a listen! Favorite track: The Way the World Turns


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