Gather Up In Jesus - March 2022 Monthly Newsletter


I hope the brightness of the cover has perked up your spirits a bit. We are rolling into March here, and I can only expect spring to happen sooner than later every day. Now, since we are in the third month of the year, it makes me think of two things: Lent & basketball. That doesn’t sound like those have much in common, but I have been a fan of the NCAA tournament for as long as I can remember. One of my two favorite memories was watching the first weekend of basketball because it felt like it was EVERYWHERE, and ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN. My sister went to Valparaiso University, over on the other side of the state, and her first year in 1998, the Crusaders won their conference and were able to play in the tournament. They were a clear underdog, and no one expected them to win. As the game went on, Valpo kept pace with the other team, the University of Mississippi. But in the final seconds, as the clock was winding down, the team’s star Bryce Drew caught the ball and put up a shot from much too far away, but it swished through the hoop! The underdogs won! The arena erupted like a volcano, and the hysteria started!

Now, many people think of Lent as the opposite. There’s nothing to get excited about, no pep band trying to keep spirits up. We know what’s going to happen. The Messiah we had been waiting for through Advent has been tracked and followed by the Jewish legal authorities. They grow weary of his teachings and healing and the claims that he is God’s Son. Throughout the scriptures, Jesus would pull away from even his disciples and go off and pray. This is an essential spiritual process. Sometimes we need to remove ourselves and reset our own boundaries to respond better when the Lord calls us to act. 

Jesus knew his days wouldn’t last. He knew the fate God had for him. But knowing this and accepting it were and still are complicated things. But, he also knew that his leadership was necessary to keep the message being lost, that death does not have the final say, and that God’s victory over all approaches. Making sure to take care of himself and focus on his “why” was super important, and not for Jesus, but us as well. We may need to gather up with Jesus - in a huddle, maybe on the sideline - wherever that might be; take a few moments to catch our breath before whatever is coming next. Remember who Jesus is through scriptures, remember what He taught, how He lived. 

We can also gather up in Jesus through spiritual discipline - praying, fasting, meditating, studying, meeting in fellowship with others who will affirm your season of slowness and rest, among others. Lent is a season in which we want to reflect on ourselves and how we may have lost connection with the Good News that is to come on Easter morning. We need to connect to our transformation through Christ, as it was, as it is, and as it will be. Gather up those who can support your transformation deeper into the love of the Savior. May we join in building each other up with faith and love, instead of tearing down those who may be different than us. May we look into our hearts to see what we can learn from each other instead of vilifying and condemning what doesn’t fit our comforts or even our theology and deeply held beliefs. 

As we move forward through March, I challenge each of you to reflect not only on what you may be giving up for these 40 days but what practices you could add. How can you add in virtues where vices have been? Imagine not only giving up chocolate, but adding complimenting at least one stranger a day. Or, not just giving up eating out, but trying to live more simply by decluttering your house? Why does it have to be something that you’re just taking away from yourself? Adding in a spiritual component by changing routines may add some of the divine in your every day experience! 

Peace in Christ, 

Pastor Dan

Pastor’s Picks: 

WATCH: Amazing Grace - this is a documentary of recording Aretha Franklin’s live album by the same name in 1972. The footage was shelved and was only published after her death, but it shows Aretha in prime form, singing some beautiful gospel music.

READ: The Furious Longing of God by Brennan Manning. This book brings beautiful language to the need that God has for the relationship of his creation. I love this author and I will be re-reading this one soon. 

LISTEN: Achtung Baby by U2 - This seems like an odd pick since it’s 30 years old, but this album has so many great lyrical themes and timeless melodies that takes me back to growing up in the 90s. My favorite song is “One”. 


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