Come Home For Christmas - December 2021 Newsletter

 From the Pastor’s Desk: 

Happy New Year! Well - that does sound kind of weird, but it’s the beginning of the church year, starting at Advent. I follow the Revised Common Lectionary - which is simply a rotating list of bible verses to preach on that covers about 75% of the Bible over three years (A, B & C). We are beginning year C, which means that it focuses the Gospel readings from the book of Luke. Now, Luke loves people, not only those who were in his community, but many in the margins of “acceptable” society. Luke highlights that no matter who we are or what we have done, there is a place for us in the Kingdom of God. 

The focus this month is on “Coming Home for Christmas”. That can mean so many things to each of you. We all have our favorite places we consider to be home. I hope you feel as though Bethany is a place you can call home.  But, maybe we are lucky enough to have more than one place that feels as comforting as home. 

When I was growing up, my family and I would travel from here in Fort Wayne to my grandma’s house in southern Wisconsin. Going to each of my grandma’s houses was always a highlight of the season. Packing up to go, making the journey, and being in a new place for a week or so really separated the holiday life for me as a magical place where Christmas was centered. 

All of my grandparents have passed on, but in this season having a family of my own - and our parents within 20 miles, we have made ways of having that journey without really leaving town. It’s more than decorating, it’s more than shopping. Feel free to transform yourself and imagine what Christ can bring anew in you with His rebirth. We tend to let the calendar at the end of the month tell us it’s time to re-evaluate our lives, but let us do that in preparation for the Christ child. 

Every morning we wake, it’s time for rebirth. To fulfill God’s promises that we didn’t get to yesterday. But who has time for that when there’s laundry, meal planning, among everything else to do in life. That’s why we need to slow down. Living with intention is hard, but knowing why you’re doing things can make it all more meaningful. We light our candles every week highlighting hope, joy, love, and peace. May you consider those fruits of the spirit as you move through Advent. 

For some, the idea of going home is scary, or even dangerous. We idealize home as a sacred refuge from everything outside. A place where we can be intimate with our family, and ourselves. To be our true selves, when no one else is watching. Let us bring that to Bethany, and make our home here amongst the family here. God will lead you into deeper relationship when we aren’t hiding or scared of judgment. Mary chose not to be afraid while carrying Jesus, Joseph, while skeptical, chose not to be afraid because of God’s promises. They were faithful, and we have everything to thank them for.  We can be faithful, too. 

May home be a joy and blessing to you. Let us celebrate the coming of the Christ child, who brings new, abundant life to all who seek Him. Whether you’ve been attending Bethany all the days of your life, or you are brand new, we welcome you into our sanctuary and our spiritual home for a shared experience of seeing the Savior with new eyes, with joyous hearts, that we may find that awe with the newborn baby. 

Welcome home. Come and find peace among God’s people who are all walking the path of faith. 


Pastor Dan

Pastor’s Picks: 

Music - Cain “Rise Up”

This group made a really awesome album. I love their harmonies and how their lyrics seem relevant for this season. I’ve been enjoying this one for the last month, and wanted to share it with you. Favorite song:  Rise Up (Lazarus)

Book: I’ve been reading “Since Yesterday: the 1930s in America” by Frederick Allen. It’s a pretty lengthy book about the decade through the Great Depression. I love history, and would recommend this one to anyone who wants to know more about that era. 

Movie: “Olaf Presents” (on Disney+). So I am a huge Disney fan, and I’ve been excited about this one since I heard about it earlier this year. Olaf (from Frozen) recounts the stories of modern classic Disney movies (from the early 90s) in only the hilarious way he can. Each episode is very short (under 10 minutes), I laughed from beginning to end. 


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