Born To Trouble & Overcoming Difficulty - October 2021 Newsletter

 Notes from the Pastor’s Desk

Welcome to October! My house will certainly be busy this month. It’s Birthday Month! It seemed like we planned it this way, but Tadjena’s birthday is on September 30th, followed by Aaron’s birthday on October 6th, and then Ali’s on October 18th. It’s a packed three weeks there… 

In the meantime, we will be starting a sermon series through the book of Job, in the Old Testament. The theme of the month will be OVERCOMING DIFFICULTY. This seems like a simple concept, but for some - this is very challenging. When faced with a new situation, our nerves are activated, and it can end up being taken as a fight or flight response. But after the response is over, if we find ourselves in a less than desirable place, questions, doubts, and regret can derail progress in staying positive and willing to tackle hard circumstances. 

Are you feeling stuck in your faith life? That may be a difficulty you’re having trouble getting past. Here a few ideas for you to break out of a rut. 

1- Challenge your perspective. 

Negative thoughts are just that. When we are struggling, it can be really easy to turn inward and blame ourselves for what’s going on. But to move past it, the thoughts need to be questioned for the truth of the situation. You are more than the sum of your experience. Just because you burned your toast, your car won’t start, and it’s raining for the fifth straight day doesn’t mean that it has ANYTHING to do with you. Think about what God would want us to experience - the joy of having food to eat, maybe connecting with a friend or co-worker to get to work, or that the rain is feeding the plants to feed the animals to feed humanity. I even struggle with this sometimes, but if you need help - I’d be happy to talk with you. 

2 - Learn by Connecting. 

In our Western culture, the individual and each of our experiences seem to be the most important. But, if all of us were the same, what would we have to be able to share with one another? How could we connect or learn anything new? Sometimes it can be comforting to know that someone else has been through what gives us anxiety and that we will get through it too. Relationships can be everything, and until we connect with others, we cannot learn maybe how to avoid repeating mistakes which frustrate and cause setbacks.

3 - Accept Help.

Asking for help can be the most difficult thing in the world. It’s humbling because many of us (wrongly) believe that with just the right amount of studying, the right attitude, and a bit of luck, we can do anything we set out to do.  Don’t misunderstand - for a tiny fraction of people, that has worked out for them. The rest of us, though, have had to seek help when things weren’t going right, whether from a parent, a friend, a mentor, or sometimes just random people. God wants us to work together with other people - building relationships to show Jesus to create disciples for the transformation of the world. That is something we cannot do without help, both from God, and from everyone else. 

There are many other ways of figuring out how to overcome difficulties. If something is really weighing you or someone you care about down, feel free to reach out to me, and I’d love to talk it out to the best of my ability. Have a blessed October!

Pastor Dan

Pastor’s Picks

Book:  Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson

Chef Marcus writes his memoir of being a Somali child adopted by a Swedish family, who then trains all over the world to becoming one of the top chefs in the world. His wit and experiences amaze me, and the book is such an inspiration!

Movie:  Cruella [Disney+ & on disc at the Allen Co. Public Library]

Emma Stone brings life to the antagonist from the 101 Dalmations movie, allowing the backstory to provide some flesh to her motivations of that movie. But this prequel is a great stand-alone movie, if not for themes of loss, grief, power, and friendship.

Music: Into the Mystery by NEEDTOBREATHE

This album is deep and filling from start to finish. The band put this together through a quarantine. This is one of my favorite bands, and this release just keeps putting out great music with reflective lyrics. My favorite song on the album is “I Am Yours”. 


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